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Learning Piano Online as a working Adult

Grown Adult piano student
Piano Learning Made Easy

Learning piano as an adult isn't easy; most adults out there are too busy with their day-to-day lives to take up a new hobby. It's not easy to find the motivation to start learning an instrument, even if you know it'll boost your brainpower and make you a better person. Nowadays, most people are using services like YouTube to learn everything. These platforms are great for learning the basics, but the problem with this method is that it's not tailored to your specific needs. If you're a beginning piano player, you can't learn to play a song by watching someone else play it on YouTube. You'll get the wrong notes and it won't help you learn anything. Apart from that you don't get a real time feedback from the instructor That's why it's important to take lessons from a human being.

Top Reasons to Learn Piano as an Adult

Happy piano woman
Don't Give up your Dream Stay Motivated

Not only kids and teens, but adults can also learn to play piano. There are many reasons why adults should learn piano. One of the reasons is that it can help with memory and concentration. Music is also proven to be a stress reliever. If you are having a hard day and you want to relax, you can play the piano. It also helps you to be even more creative. It is also good for your brain. Playing an instrument is good for you in a lot of ways. It is a really great way to keep your brain active. If you are thinking about learning to play the piano, you should go for it.

What areas do you need to focus on while learning piano?

Piano Student FOcusing on lesson
Don't Worry you don't have to Start Studying again

Many of us still have the passion to learn music and go for a career in music even after 40.. As a musician, you have to have a complete understanding of music theory, musicianship, sight reading, ear training, harmony, composition, history and music in general. A good musician is not just a good technical player but a great improviser and a good composer. If you are still passionate about learning music, here are a few things you can do to follow your passion and make a career in music.

Challenges you face while learning Piano

Learning an instrument as an adult presents its own challenges. Professionals are usually dealing with the pressures of work and family life on top of the daily practice and lessons that children can often get away with. Trying to find time for practice can be difficult, especially when it feels like the entire family or your work is trying to take up all of the free time that you have. However, there are some ways that you can make learning the piano or any instrument easier, starting with the following tips:

  • Ensure that you make a short list of specific things you want to practice on your instrument each day or week.

  •  Set small, achievable goals, and give yourself time to master these goals before moving on.

  • If you have only half an hour or an hour to devote to practicing each day, it will take the average student roughly one month to learn three new things or techniques.

  •  Divide your 'practicing' into smaller segments because focusing for long periods of time isn't particularly practical in this case.

  •  In all cases, try ( and focus on) grasping the concept behind what you're learning as opposed to worrying about how well you can play the song itself immediately.

  •  Patience is key when approaching knowledge - so don't get frustrated if you don't understand everything right away!

Serious adult performing on Piano
Master Piano With DNT Music Academy


You might be a busy professional who is not just working but also looking after your family, kids or pets. You might be a student or a homemaker or any other kind of person. There are so many things going around in your life which are taking your time and you cannot find time to practice piano. But what if we tell you that you can practice piano without leaving your home? Yes, you heard it right. Notation School can offer you customized 1:1 live online piano classes for learners of all ages and all levels. We will provide you personalized piano lessons at the comfort of your home. You can practice piano whenever you want and this will give you a lot of time to practice piano.


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